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IEU / SACE Board Collaborative Working Group

The Independent Education Union / SACE Board Collaborative Working Group has been established to build the partnership between the SACE Board and the Independent Education Union and its members.

The group comprises nominees from the SACE Board and the IEU, and includes the Chief Executive of the SACE Board, and the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the IEU.

The Terms of Reference of the IEU / SACE Board Collaborative Working Group are as follows:

  1. Raise issues of significance and/or concern relating to the development, delivery, and quality of the SACE with specific reference to the engagement and success of senior secondary students.
  2. Explore, in a spirit of mutual collaboration, the issues affecting teachers and school communities in the independent education schooling sector in the delivery of the SACE.
  3. Identify mechanisms for strengthening the quality and effectiveness of teaching practice, including:
    - strategies to support teachers in the delivery and assessment of SACE curriculum; and
    - strategies for building capacity in school communities.
  4. Develop mutual and collaborative understandings of the key issues and challenges facing teachers in independent schools in relation to students undertaking the SACE.
  5. Build on and improve communication between the SACE Board of South Australia and the IEU.

The group meets once a term or as agreed by members of the group.