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Subject improvement

Under the subject renewal program, the SACE Board is working with schools to identify relatively straightforward subject improvements that can be implemented in 2025. 

These changes – which will be considered amendments to current subject outlines – are designed to create space for teaching and learning. 

Subject improvements for 2025 will draw on data obtained from approximately 3,000 teachers in SA and NT who participated in 122 curriculum forums held during term 2, 2024.  

Subject outline changes will be guided by the principles of: 

  • Flexibility: for teachers to make local decisions based on the needs of their cohort  
  • Authenticity: creating space as a condition to support the longer-term ambition
  • Clarity: to remove inconsistencies or ambiguities 
  • Consistency: within and across subjects 
  • Equity: opportunities for students to present their learning in varied and personal ways
  • Manageability: for students and teachers by avoiding the need for significant change to programming or extensive professional learning.

New subject outlines incorporating the subject improvements will be published ready for teaching in 2025.