Stage 2 | Assessment Type 2: Design Process and Solution
Design, Technology and Engineering
Stage 2
Assessment Type 2: Design Process and Solution
The Design, Technology and Engineering design process and solution is assessed by the school and moderated at Stage 2. Teachers select moderation samples and submit materials online by late November (Round B).
Students produce one task in the design process and solution type that together provide evidence of the stages of the design and realisation process. There is flexibility in this assessment type for students to complete a single assessment task or a series of up to three smaller, discrete sections to form the task. The task should be up to a total maximum of 3000 words, or the equivalent in multimodal form (where 6 minutes is equivalent to 1000 words). The task must showcase and evaluate the solution or product.
Student work should be their own. See Supervision and verification of student work.
Documents and Media
Digital Communication Solutions - Assessment tasks
Industry and Entrepreneurial Solutions - Assessment tasks
Material Solutions - Assessment tasks
Robotic and Electronic Systems - Assessment tasks
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