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Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Version control

Aboriginal Studies Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024
Accredited in May 2016 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2018.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 2: Social Action

Assessment Type 2: Social Action (30%)

Students apply their knowledge and understanding from their learning from and with Aboriginal peoples, communities, and/or other sources of Aboriginal voice to undertake one social action. They deconstruct and analyse:

  • how the past continues to influence the present and the future, and/or
  • experiences that are of significance to Aboriginal peoples and/or communities.

This enables students’ to collaboratively plan and implement a social action that communicates their learning and aims to deepen their own understanding and the understanding of the school or local community.

Students may work in a school or community-based group, or any other appropriate collaboration. The group may collaborate face-to-face or in a digital environment, including social media platforms.

The social action may include, for example:

  • organise and contribute to a cultural tourism site visit
  • develop a timeline of Aboriginal histories to display in a public place
  • work with younger students to develop their knowledge of Aboriginal cultures
  • visit Aboriginal communities and/or organisations and present learning from the visit
  • present an exhibition of learning that celebrates Aboriginal narratives and/or issues that are of significance to Aboriginal peoples and/or communities
  • create a hall of fame featuring Aboriginal role models and their accomplishments
  • curate an expo showcasing Aboriginal enterprises and entrepreneurship
  • create an online tool or digital education pack
  • organise a school assembly or performance
  • promote and contribute to community organisations
  • write letters or emails, or make phone calls in response to an issue that is of significance to Aboriginal peoples and/or communities
  • research oral narratives and create a product
  • research and design an outdoor space using local knowledge
  • contribute to staff development through a presentation.

Each student presents individual evidence of their:

  • deconstruction and analysis of 
    • how the past continues to influence the present and future
    • experiences of significance to Aboriginal peoples and/or communities 
  • evaluation and reflection on their own learning from the social action, including evidence of their contribution to planning and collaboration. Students may make reference to self-assessment and/or oral or written responses to a survey in order to evaluate the changes in their own thinking
  • social action such as photographs and movie clips integrated in the deconstruction and evaluation sections.

The deconstruction and analysis, and the evaluation of and reflection on the social action may be presented in multimodal, oral, or written form. It should be a maximum of 9 minutes if oral, 1500 words if written, or the equivalent if multimodal.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • knowledge and understanding
  • deconstruction, analysis, and synthesis
  • evaluation, collaboration, and reflection.