Stage 1 | Subject outline | version control
Stage 1
Subject outline
Accredited in June 2019 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2020
Stage 1 | Subject outline | School assessment | assessment-type-1-skills-development
Assessment Type 1: Skills Development
For a 10-credit subject, students undertake at least one skills development task.
For a 20-credit subject, students undertake at least two skills development tasks.
Each task should enable students to communicate their ideas and use appropriate dance terminology. The skills development task should be designed to develop students’ ability to make informed judgments about their development as a dancer or choreographer through research and reflection on their own creative work. Skills development tasks may include application and understanding of:
- the body
- dance skills (technique and expressive skills)
- dance elements (space, time, dynamics, and relationships)
- structural devices (choreographic devices and form)
- production elements
- safe dance practices.
Student evidence may include:
- a reflection on the dance elements demonstrated in a performance by the student
- a reflection on the structural devices used to communicate choreographic intent in the student’s choreographic work
- a reflection on the structural devices used to communicate choreographic intent in a live or recorded performance of a professional dance company and how this might influence their own choreography
- a reflection on the dance skills (technical and expressive) demonstrated in a live or recorded performance of a professional dance company and how this might influence their own skills development
- a reflection on the dance skills (technical and expressive) acquired by the student.
A skills development task should be a maximum of 800 words if written, or a maximum of 5 minutes if oral or in multimodal form. Students are encouraged to use the multimodal form using annotated recorded footage as supporting evidence.
For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:
- understanding dance
- responding to dance.