Stage 2 | Subject outline | Version control

Industry Connections Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 3.0
For teaching in 2024. Accredited in December 2021.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Industry focus and approaches to programming | Examples of Industry Connections programs

Examples of Industry Connections programs

The examples of Industry Connections programs described below are provided as examples only and are not intended to be restrictive or prescriptive. Schools are able to design programs with their own industry focus.

Construction, with a carpentry focus

A project-based model where students plan, design, build and finish a significant project, such as a cubby house. They develop their skills and understandings about workplace safety, planning, costing, joining, and finishing in their work skills portfolio and then apply them in the construction of their final industry project. Industry links with the students’ learning are made throughout the program by, for example, local carpenters visiting the school site and mentoring students, and through visits to local construction businesses relevant to purchase of materials for estimating and planning.

Automotive, with a mechanical focus

A skills development model where a VET program is not accessible, available and/or appropriate, but where the content is drawn from VET units of competency. Students undertake tasks for their work skills portfolio that focus on safety and sustainability in an automotive workplace, automotive systems, and components, using tools and equipment and inspecting engines. They apply these skills in an industry project such as servicing an engine. Industry links with the students’ learning are made throughout the program by, for example, visits to local automotive businesses, and mentoring by an industry professional when carrying out the industry project.

Entertainment, with a stage production focus

A project-based model which culminates in a school production as the industry project. Students undertake tasks for their work skills portfolio that underpin the industry project, including safety in a theatre, and stage crafts such as lighting, sound, and costumes. Industry links with the students’ learning are made throughout by industry visits and mentoring from industry professionals, which may be in a face to face or digital format.


A local school-industry partnership model where students undertake tasks for their work skills portfolio that focus on plant identification, propagation, landscaping, and sustainability. A significant project in partnership with a local council, park or botanic garden is undertaken for the industry project.

Community Services, with an aged care focus

A skills development model where a VET program is no longer accessible, available and/or appropriate, but where content is drawn from VET units of competency. Students undertake tasks for their work skills portfolio that focus on work, health and safety, healthy body systems, infection control and undertake a first aid course. They connect with local aged care providers for industry links and immersion experiences.

Any industry, as apprentice or trainee

A program designed around an individual student that complements buts does not duplicate the VET training they are already undertaking as part of a contract of training. Key tasks and skills carried out during the on-job component are captured through discussion between the student and teacher. The teacher guides the student to capture evidence of key skills that contribute to the work skills portfolio, and supports the student to negotiate with their employer to be responsible for a key task towards the industry project. Industry links are consistent as the student interacts with industry professionals in the workplace.