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Coordinating the SACE Getting ready for end of year

SACE coordinators can use this web page as a central point of information about managing end of year SACE matters within their school.

Stage 2 enrolments ​

Stage 2 enrolments have been finalised and the cutoff is in place in Schools Online​.

Teachers can add students on the result sheets​. Teachers can also withdraw students from the entire subject on the school assessment results sheets.

Stage 2 modified subjects have the same enrolment cutoff as Stage 1 subjects .

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Online submission of materials​

​Student materials are submitted online through Schools Online.​

External assessment materials for all Stage 2 subjects with an investigation are submitted online for marking.​

School assessment materials for all Stage 2 subjects are submitted online for moderation. ​

Teachers submit materials online schools submit using accepted file names and formats.

More information about online submission, including how to prepare files, can be found in our Online submission of materials section.

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Stage 1 Moderation & Modified Subject Review

Subjects required for Stage 1 Moderation are now visible on the Schools Online home page.

Schools Online screenshot 1

All subjects due in the current year will appear in semester 1. In semester 2 any subjects that were confirmed in semester 1 will no longer appear.

Teachers will see a banner on the class summary screen advising there is a moderation requirement for their subject. 

Schools Online screenshot 2

The link to submit moderation or review materials will appear at the bottom of the page.

Schools Online screenshot 3

More information can be found via Stage 1 Moderation and Modified Subject Review sections of our website.

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External assessment​

Student investigations for all Stage 2 subjects with an external investigation will be submitted in Schools Online for online marking.​

When a student does not provide any evidence for the assessment type, the student should be withdrawn on the external assessment result sheet (Note a ‘Withdraw’ on the results sheet does not withdraw the student from the subject).​

The due date for the submission of external assessment materials can be found in the SACE calendar.

Teachers submit materials in Schools Online using accepted file names and formats.

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Stage 2 moderation

Stage 2 Moderation ensures that the performance standards in the school assessment component of Stage 2 subjects have been applied consistently.​

School assessment materials for all Stage 2 subjects will be submitted in Schools Online for moderation. 

Teachers select a sample of students whose evidence of learning is to be submitted for final moderation according to sample selection parameters. ​

Occasionally there may be variations in the materials for one or more students in the final moderation sample, and these should be noted in the Variation Moderation Materials icon in the result sheet in Schools Online.​

The due date for the submission of school assessment materials  can be found in the SACE calendar.

Teachers submit materials in Schools Online using accepted file names and formats.​

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In previous years following the ‘practice window’, the SACE Board sent a readiness survey for schools to complete. This year instead of a survey, schools can use the E-exams Readiness Self-Assessment Checklist [PDF 114KB].​

 The SACE Board will assume schools are ready unless they contact askSACE for further support​.

Contact askSACE
1300 322 920

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Special provisions

Schools identify and implement reasonable adjustments for both school and external assessments that can be managed within the school context.

School assessment ​

Where the school has approved an adjustment to the school assessment for a student, and evidence of their learning in an assessment type is required as a sample for moderation, the school should complete the Variations to Moderation Materials Form (VMM) in the result sheet in Schools Online. ​

The Learning and Assessment Plans need to be updated to reflect the adjustment(s). ​​

External Assessment ​


If students are unable to attend an examination or have undertaken an examination while impaired or suffering from serious illness (of 3 or more days’ duration) immediately before an examination, they may be eligible for a derived result (Form 32). Form 32 must be completed in full and requires a detailed school and medical report.​

Requests for the use of a derived result must be received at the SACE Board within 3 days of the student’s last examination. Schools are not required to submit a separate Special provisions - request for use of the derived result (Form 32) for each subject. ​

External investigations​

Extension to the due date of submission to the SACE Board must be submitted using Special provisions - request for external assessment adjustments (Form 32) a week before the due date.​

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VET results

VET results are submitted to the SACE Board in Schools Online.​

Certificate III qualifications to be counted in a student's ATAR must be verified as completed in Schools Online.​

VET results and Certification III verifications can be submitted to the SACE Board at any time during the year.​

The VET results and Certificate III verifications are due at the same time as the Stage 1 results due date.​

When entering VET results, if a qualification or unit is not in Schools Online, email askSACE with the details and it will be added.​

Where a student has undertaken a “VET Skills Cluster” or a “Stackable”, refer to the Department for Education’s VET Course Information to identify the Source Qualification Name and Source Qualification Code to use when submitting results in Schools Online.

Students who cannot complete their placement prior to Stage 1 results due date and still require VET for completion and ATAR, should submit their transcripts to askSACE as soon as they are available.

VET results received after results release, will have ATAR’s recalculated for students until the end of clerical check period.


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University Studies and International Baccalaureate academic transcripts should be sent to as soon as students have been resulted using Recognition application - Stage 1 and Stage 2 equivalent studies (Form 12)​ [PDF 167KB].

University Studies academic transcripts received after results release, will have ATAR’s recalculated for students until the end of clerical check period​.

International Baccalaureate transcripts received after results release, will have ATAR’s recalculated for students until the end of clerical check period​.

Recognition application - community-developed programs (Form 10) [PDF 335KB] should be submitted to by 2 December 2024.​

Self Directed Community Learning results at Stage 1 can be entered in Schools Online up until 2 December 2024.​

Recognition Application - Stage 2 Exit Assessment (Form 13) [PDF 94KB] should be submitted to by 4 December 2023. Schools need to ensure that a student is withdrawn on the result sheet prior to submission of applications.​

Recognition application - Stage 1 and Stage 2 equivalent studies (Form 12) [PDF 656KB], should be submitted for all other applications including Interstate/Overseas, Adult Status, Exchange Students should be submitted to by 2 December 2024.​

Recognition applications received after 2 December will not be processed until the following year, unless required for SACE completion or ATAR calculation. ​

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Governor of SA Commendation Excellence Awards

The prestigious Governor of SA Commendations recognise excellence in achievement in Stage 2 subjects, and in the development of one or more SACE capabilities to an exceptional level.​

Nominations are now open, and close on Friday 15 November 2024.

Commendations include:​

  • Excellence Award
  • Aboriginal Student SACE Excellence Award
  • Excellence in Modified Subjects Award​

Please visit the Commendations and awards section on our website for further information.

All schools are encouraged to nominate one student per category.​



Karen Collins
Ph: +61 8 8115 4775

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Getting started

Key information to support SACE coordinators to get the new school year underway are provided on the Getting started page. Information includes a start-of-year-checklist, key dates for the year and information about key procedures.​

New SACE coordinators can access a short online PLATO course.

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