Global | Art Show | 2021 | Meet the artist | Mackenzie Johnson 01

Meet the artist

Mackenzie Johnson, 2021 Regional Encouragement Award recipient.

How do you feel to be an award winner at the 2021 SACE Art Show?

I feel really amazed to be awarded the regional encouragement award, I visited the gallery a couple times and there were so many fantastic artworks. This recognition gives me the confidence to continue on my creative pathway. 

Global | Art Show | 2021 | Meet the artist | Mackenzie Johnson 02

What was the inspiration behind your work?

I found the inspiration for my piece through the pressing issue of fast fashion, with my intent being to encourage the movement of slow fashion. I focused on the problems around sweatshops, fabric waste and cotton farming to be what I represented through my garments. 

Tell us about the creative process you took with your work?

My creative process consisted of firstly researching fast fashion, then coming up with how I wanted to represent my findings in my final pieces. I looked at other designers who have the similar intent of combating fast fashion, and used their influence along with my personal aesthetic to design my pieces. I went through all the stages of creating a garment, also using techniques such as felting, embroidery, applique and fabric painting in the process. 

What advice would you have to Stage 2 Visual Arts students in 2021?

I would encourage art and design students to find something that they feel strongly about to base their work on. This will make their work feel meaningful and will give them encouragement to keep putting effort in. 

What pathway are you taking after your SACE – university/TAFE/jobs?

I am currently studying fashion through a course with TAFE and Flinders Uni, which will take me three years to complete. I’m hoping throughout that time I will be able to build on my fashion creations and hopefully in the future make an impact on the fashion industry.