Stage 2 | Subject outline | Version control

Politics, Power, and People Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0
For teaching in 2024. Accredited in May 2020 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2021.  

Stage 2 | Subject outline | External assessment | Assessment Type 3: Investigation

Assessment Type 3: Investigation (30%)

Students undertake one investigation focusing on any theme from the option themes section or a theme of personal interest. In consultation with the teacher, the student selects a recent political issue that involves a range of views and some level of unresolved disputation. Before proceeding, consideration should be given to the availability of a range of primary and secondary sources.

The investigation should include:

  • a hypothesis or focusing question(s) to guide the investigation
  • identification of the origin of the issue and who is affected by it
  • discussion of the various perspectives involved
  • analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the different political views and complex arguments on the issue
  • analysis of the feasibility of the proposed solutions
  • reflection on the relationship between politics, power, people, and decision-making
  • information drawn from a range of primary and secondary sources
  • the use of appropriate political terms
  • accurate acknowledgement of sources.

The written report of the investigation should be a maximum of 2000 words.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • critical and creative thinking (CCT1, CCT2)
  • communication and collaboration (CC1)
  • understanding and ethical reasoning (UER2)
  • research and analysis (RA1, RA2).