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The following links provide further information regarding the Engineering industry and qualifications.

Work ready: Careers and jobs

Developed by the Department of State Development, this website provides general career exploration tools as well as information about a wide range of industry areas.

It includes:

  • Choosing a career
  • Exploring your interests and career paths
  • Growth industries and skills needed in SA
  • Access to career advisers
  • Local career events
  • Finding a job
  • Employment prospects
  • Industry facts, including earning potential
  • Training pathways
  • Occupations in the industry
  • Industry links

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Industry Skills Board

Manufacturing Skills Australia is the industry skills board for the Engineering industry industry.

Australia's Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) are independent, industry-led, not-for-profit companies funded by Government. Their role is to identify and respond to the skill development and workforce planning needs of their respective industries which collectively comprise all sectors in the Australian economy.

ISCs achieve this through:

  • Development and maintenance of high quality qualifications, support materials and support for the national training system;
  • Effective networks, partnerships and real-time industry intelligence;
  • Responsive workforce development activities.

The national ISCs replace the State Industry Skills Boards that ceased receiving funding at the end of 2013. Some of these still have active websites and so have been included as reference.

Studying the SACE | VET and recognised Learning | Vet Industry Areas | Generic

General industry information

Training and Skills Commission

The Training and Skills Commission plays an important role in promoting quality, protecting apprentices and trainees throughout their training, and providing industry and community advice to Government about workforce development.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships - School-based

What is an apprenticeship or traineeship?
A traineeship or apprenticeship combines paid work and training which leads to a qualification that will be recognised throughout Australia.

School-based apprenticeships or traineeships combine paid work, training and schooling at the senior secondary level. Planned learning in school and work is balanced between the needs of the student, the employer and the school. It complements but does not compromise achievement of the SACE.

What is the Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways Schedule (TAPS)?
The Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways Schedule (TAPS) provides a consolidated list of occupations that have been declared under the Training and Skills Development Act 2008 as trades (apprenticeships) or declared vocations (traineeships) in South Australia. It reflects what has previously been published in the South Australian Government Gazette.

The schedule also identified the qualifications that can be undertaken in conjunction with these apprenticeships and traineeships.

National Training Information Service (NTIS)

Training.gov.au is the national register on Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia.

Training.gov.au is the authoritative source of:

  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) which consists of:
    • Training packages
    • Qualifications
    • Units of competency
    • Accredited courses
    • Skill sets
  • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) who have the approved scope to deliver Nationally Recognised Training, as required by national and jurisdictional legislation within Australia.

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Victorian Purchasing Guides

These guides provide the following information relating to the delivery of nationally-endorsed training packages. They contain information on:

  • Qualifications within training packages
  • Nominal hours for units of competency within the qualifications
  • Maximum and minimum hour allocations for qualifications within the training packages
  • Latest endorsed qualifications
  • Sample training programs

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